Didi Syafirdi - detikNews
For the umpteen times its terror bombing in Jakarta again. Now Hotel Ritz Carlton Hotel and JW Marriott to be a terror bomb target. And this incident very seriously concern! How not? after a few years this country our beloved Indonesia highway safe from terror bombing also had a previous haunt us all. But what would the word, terror bombing incident in the country is repeated again. Perhaps we all still remember what happened at the beginning of the year 2000, many terror bombing in the country, making the entire people of Indonesia into a crisis of trust in governance, stability, security will be at that time.
I still remember the event / series of terror bombing since the beginning of 2000, probably the most is we all remember the incident that occurred on the island of Bali, we are all called Bom Bom Bali 1 and Bali 2. one of the terror bombing incident that takes a lot of sacrifice. indeed cursed for doing a terror bomb this!
Friday morning, to witness the terror bomb has exploded in the hotel Ritz Carlton and JW Marriott in Jakarta. Many victims who fell, many of the injured, whether what is in the mind and the mind of this terror bombing? indeed not very moral? . We all must unite and together with all the problems that this can be completed in, because I not only government that must complete all of this but we as citizens are required to assist both the government (with the capacity and ability of each of course).
And today we are all witness to how radical his group / person / organization that is doing this terror bombing, not really moral. Now let us pray together for the victims of violence terror bombing, which occurred at the Ritz Carlton Hotel and JW Marriott, and pray that this beloved country indonesia can be detached from all the problems at this time.
Regard ...
For the umpteen times its terror bombing in Jakarta again. Now Hotel Ritz Carlton Hotel and JW Marriott to be a terror bomb target. And this incident very seriously concern! How not? after a few years this country our beloved Indonesia highway safe from terror bombing also had a previous haunt us all. But what would the word, terror bombing incident in the country is repeated again. Perhaps we all still remember what happened at the beginning of the year 2000, many terror bombing in the country, making the entire people of Indonesia into a crisis of trust in governance, stability, security will be at that time.
I still remember the event / series of terror bombing since the beginning of 2000, probably the most is we all remember the incident that occurred on the island of Bali, we are all called Bom Bom Bali 1 and Bali 2. one of the terror bombing incident that takes a lot of sacrifice. indeed cursed for doing a terror bomb this!
Friday morning, to witness the terror bomb has exploded in the hotel Ritz Carlton and JW Marriott in Jakarta. Many victims who fell, many of the injured, whether what is in the mind and the mind of this terror bombing? indeed not very moral? . We all must unite and together with all the problems that this can be completed in, because I not only government that must complete all of this but we as citizens are required to assist both the government (with the capacity and ability of each of course).
And today we are all witness to how radical his group / person / organization that is doing this terror bombing, not really moral. Now let us pray together for the victims of violence terror bombing, which occurred at the Ritz Carlton Hotel and JW Marriott, and pray that this beloved country indonesia can be detached from all the problems at this time.
Regard ...
Teroris biadab...
Bagaimanakah kita sebagai blogger bisa menyikapi hal ini?
Turut berduka cita bagi keluarga korban...
Benar2 gak punya otak pelaku pengeboman tersebut..Mungkin ada otaknya,tapi dibuat ditumit...Kenapa ya ada org bodoh sprti itu? Aduh2,aq gak habis akal nih...Saya juga turut berduka cita yang sedalam-dalamnya untuk keluarga korban...
pembom cuma mengisyaratkan bahwa indonesia itu gak aman, padahal semua negara juga pernah dibom, sebagai isyarat bahwa teroris itu masih ada, sebagai alasan untuk menginvasi negara yang dianggap tempat persembunyian teroris,
sebagai kambing hitam bahwa umat islam itu kejam, padahal maksud dibalik itu semua sebagai alat adu domba antar umat beragama, waspada sob, negara kita sedang jadi sasaran devide et impera
teroris sudah mjd musuh bersama..apalagi kalo sudah mengatasnamakan agama untuk justifikasi tindakan mereka maka sebenarnya mereka lebih biadab dari seorang pembunuh keji..pemahaman yg keliru thd suatu ajaran akan sgt membahayakan karena itu sangat penting bagi kita utk selalu terbuka thd sudut pandang yg lain dalam menafsirkan sebuah permasalahan..
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