Kalimantan, Indonesia's second largest island after New Guinea is divided into four provinces:
Of West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan and East Kalimantan. The fourth province is largely populated by ethnic Dayak region, which consists of several ethnic children. However in the coastal areas there are also several ethnic origin and wither like the tribe and Mandar tribe Banjar in South Kalimantan and the Malays of Pontianak in West Kalimantan.
Most of the Dayak people living in areas of Central Kalimantan, East, West, and a few in South Kalimantan. Dayak ethnic consists of several sub-ethnic, including Iban, Maanyan, Ngaju, Kenyah, Lawangan, Murut, and so forth.
Kinship system of the Dayaks drawn based on the principle of patrilineal forms of kinship with the most important is extended family. An extended family lived in a big house called betang or balal or Lamin. Noodles in a big house also held a ceremony of Dayak people and religious activities. Combined several family-oriented area on a single ancestor who was greatly respected. Respect for the spirit of ancestors is closely related to their belief system.
Belief system of the Dayaks, which includes the belief in spirits, called Kaharingan. They believed that the spirits of dead will go to a place called Datu lotus punu gamari natural. To be able to reach it must be held in a special ceremony led by a custody or purchase. In addition there are also informal leaders in the community, for example pangulu, mantir, and pembakal.
Overall knowledge systems associated with the Dayaks of their belief system. Knowledge about farming, witchcraft, and so is always associated with a belief in spirits. Their art is generally made for ceremonial purposes in order to respect the spirits of ancestors. Ritual of the prominently associated with the spirit, ie membatur and membuntang ceremony.

Punan ethnic regarded as one of the living to move in the interior province of West Kalimantan to East Kalimantan, Central, and South. In the West Kalimantan region they are in some upstream-upstream tributary of the Kapuas and southern areas of the Kapuas river flow in Kapuas Hulu.
Another assumption that is the designation for the Punan people are nomadic Dayak in Kalimantan hinterland, especially in the vicinity of large river upstream. Punan odyssey closely related to their livelihood mainly hunting and gathering forest products. There is the assumption that the Punan hany amau wandering and "visiting" for a while in the other ethnic region which is roughly nothing to do with their language. No wonder if there is expert opinion that the Punan are not another "wing", or part and the ethnic other.
Ngaju ethnic spread in the southeastern region of West Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, the western part, southern part of Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan and northern part. Generally settled along the river Kapuas Kahayan, Rungun Manuhin, Barito, and Katingan.
Main livelihood is cultivation of rice in the fields. Others are still used to go hunting and fishing in rivers. They build the house parallel to the river, most are still living in longhouses, and inhabited by several families that are still part of the core and a small clan. Kekerabatannya principles are ambilineal, because the lineage is not only associated with paternal embryo but a jug with his mother's side. Forms according to their ideal of marriage is between a girl and the brothers' cousin flunky second degree (hajenan), the cousin and grandfather were brothers.
Ethnic Ot Danum build castles in the vicinity of river flow Melawi, Sungai Silat, and the River Maetah in the district of Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan. Some settled in Central Kalimantan, namely Kapuas Hulu. Total population is around 6000 inhabitants.
People Ot Danum established settlements near the edge of big rivers. Each village at least has a betang (long houses) that have rooms for families batih, the number to about fifty pieces. Livelihoods primarily shifting cultivation with the main crop of rice. Livelihoods are collecting forest products, washing gold, fishing, and hunting wild animals.
The principle of kinship Otts Danum is ambilineal, where some groups of people count the lineage and his father's side and a group of others and the mother. In ancient times a house betang formed and the growth of a family ambilineal small. In the present form of extended family virilokal more is known. A village is formally headed by a pembekal which acts as the leader of the administration (the village head and one head), which acts as the head of customs. Position prince noodles often also held the double by a figure which was then titled governor.
Religion indigenous people Ot Danum also called Kaharingan, which is the term used by the Dayak people to distinguish trust their indigenous to the religions and beyond. At the present time the Ot Danum starting to embrace Christianity.
Maloh ethnic, or Embaloh anakanak inhabit the area around the Kapuas river, like a river around Ulu, Luh, Palm, Madai, Nyaubau, and Leboyan. Those areas included in the Kapuas Hulu regency, West Kalimantan Province. Population of about 4750 inhabitants. Mi community living mainly in remote and paddy fields. Another source of their staple food is sago. Its main source of animal protein is fish caught in the rivers. In addition they also keep cattle still hunting wild animals. Other activities are tapping rubber latex.
Maloh villages they called the continent is located on the banks of the river Every continent has one or more brothers (long house). Ward area is characterized by uma (land farming) as well as natural boundaries that are recognized by other groups. Each village is headed by a samagat, usually elected and hereditary nobility. In its role samagat noodles need to obtain the support and council of elders which they call tamatoa. Each family batih (kajyan) inhabiting the space brothers (long house) called tindoan. Their patrilineal kinship principle.
At the present time Maloh already embraced Catholicism or Islam, it was so old tradition is still often support the belief of their ash. Maloh who converted to Islam by a minority group preferred to move to other Muslim societies.
source bye : http://www.indonesiamedia.com/rubrik/budaya/budaya00august.htm