Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cultural Tourism Festival Baliem valley (Papua- indonesia raya)

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No one's opinion if the witness Baliem Valley Festival. Festival which celebrates the arrival of Indonesian Independence Day. Various villages demonstrated repeated demonstrations in various cases of war between their village. Complete with tossing spears & arrows shot at each other. The difference with the first no injuries.

Baliem Valley residence of Dani. Indigenous peoples are introduced to the outside world as a peasant warrior. they are living farming, but warlike. Photo book Gardens of War, a documentary film Dead Birds, the results of the first anthropological expedition there in 1961 to be the cause.

The war's strategy was simple. Originally a native revenge often not clear anymore. There's the beginning of the trigger. Examples are exhibited various villages are kidnappings, child killers citizens, raid the fields that had opened.

Last year the party was held at the beginning of Dugum Dani village in which the research took place. As many as a thousand more people from five districts in attendance. Even from the community Abenaho Yali from outside the Valley Baliem present. they also demonstrate the causes & tactics of war.

After this raid was conducted. While opponents, who usually already know, will survive. Be the first battle occurred in the middle of the field area. This field is used outside the village Dugum.

Kurulu district residents this year to host. This means they provide a place for overnight guests there. Night filled with dance, & said to each other also social. Freedom that may be the cause of the highest HIV cases in Indonesia's Papua. Last year in Kurima. War demonstration was also conducted in the middle of the prairie. These repeated from year to year, beginning in the year since the 70s.

Even at the last festival, a war dance, so the show is now called, is prohibited. However, according to five Zakeus Daby of Kurulu teachers, the community asked for permission is still being done at war. & indeed of the whole attraction was a fun war dance.

Initially this party used to channel the customs of war. It means that the resolution of conflicts with the war gave way to the entry of local government, namely Mining District. This means that conflicts are resolved by the local government authority or by the courts. War should only be at war with the settlers witnessed, officers, officials & tourists.

Even in the middle shows the village of Kurulu acted more exciting atmosphere. Throwing narrow slipping. High flying arrows through the head spectators on the sidelines. Run faster, ducked lower. Foreign tourists who are a hundred looked more excited.

Perhaps the tour in Indonesia slumped. But in Papua, it was clear the visit of foreign tourists increased. "This is the largest number so far, our hotel management," explained the receptionist at the Baliem Pilamo five of only three-class hotel in Wamena.

At least this proves major attraction of tourism in Indonesia. Not be concentrated in Bali & events that make people fall. Still vast & varied that Indonesia has to offer. Among Baliem Valley Festival could be the main attraction of our tour today.



Dark Smile said...

nice festival baliem..

perlu dilestarikan biar orang irian tidak minder lagi...dan biar orang malay tidak mengklaim lagi

Yuga Eko said...

@ Dark Smile: kalo tradisi papua kayaknya ndak bakalan di klaim malaysia deh, soalnya kan orang papua item, mereka sama kayak kita. so ndak mungkin

@ admin: Lestarikan Budaya Bangsa. LANJUTKAN!

indo15 said...

budaya papua sangatlah banyak dan sayangnya pemerintah daerah kurang respek pada budaya papua sehingga jarang banget tersentuh oleh turis,selain sarana transportasi yang sulit.nice posting kawan

Admin said...

Budaya indonesai perlu kita lestarikan , itu merupakan ciri khas dari negri kita, jangan biarkan orang lain mengambilnya

Ali Munandar said...

Hidup Indonesia


mantap info nya sob thx

Mr. X said...

I love Papua-Indonesia..kaya dengan budaya dan sayangnya aku belum pernah ke sana...

Unknown said...

ngomong2 papua punya pemandangan yang bagus juga tuh

Unknown said...

papua adalah aset indonesia yang paling berharga

Anuh said...


Akhatam said...

I love U indonesia...

indo15 said...

Kedua kali nich ga papa ya nice posting sobat.....

clark kent said...

malaysialan tu negara kere sebenarnya. ternyata terkuak baru sekarang, dengan mengklaim semua sebagai milik mereka. untung papua orangya cakep2 mana mungkin di klaim mereka.. qqqqqq.. dasar anjing tu MALON sialan. benar-benar MALING ASIA

Sense of Blogging said...

Indonesia adalah negara sangat kaya akan banyak hal. satu hal yang mesti kalian semua ketahui bahwa Malaysia dan Juga Singapore, MENGIMPOR pasir dari Pulau Belitung untuk pantai buatan di negara mereka :

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