Friday, August 28, 2009

malaysia create more problems with the Indonesia Raya

Malaysia again, what does he want?? What you (malaysia) was envious of us (Indonesia Raya) O malaysia?? you (malaysia) has done something very inhuman. Malaysia has been harassing the Indonesian people by changing the lyrics to the song Indonsial Indonesia Raya. I enclose the following words to the national anthem Indonesia, namely Indonesia Raya has changed. This song I quoted from the site

IndonSIAL National Anthem

Indonesia tanah air kencing ku

Tanah tumpah darah kotor ku

Disanalah aku berdiri dan memantat

Jadi pandu ibuku

Indonesial kebangsaanku

Bangsa dan Tanah Air kencing ku

Marilah kita berseru

Indonesial bersatu

Matilah tanahku

Matilah negriku

Bangsaku Rakyatku semuanya

Matilah jiwanya

Matilah badannya

Untuk Indonesial Raya

malaysia hey!! Indonesia raya song is the truth! if you (malaysia) want to claim it as well?

I on behalf of the Indonesian nation was insulted about the treatment of such a citizen of Malaysia. I feel that really feels "robbed" is that we as a nation of Indonesia itself. Some cultures such as Indonesia Reog Ponorogo ,Pendet, shadow puppets, song Rasa Sayange, and several other Indonesian cultures which can not I mentioned in this paper has been claimed as the property of Malaysia. Yet these cultures have ingrained in his native land, namely Indonesia. Malaysian blogger who changed the lyrics of the song should apologize publicly before the entire Indonesian nation as it has hurt the feelings of the Indonesian nation.It really could not tolerate anymore .. in malaysia has dared openly insulted the pride of our country track Indonesia raya!!

note: but remember my brothers and sisters let us not rashly in taking action, because if we are wrong step Indonesia we all nations would be disadvantaged ..


blog persahabatan said...

such unpolite malaysian must be punished .....

Picastana said...

malaysia sangat jahat kepada indonesia..dan indonesia lebih banyak diam...

Admin said...

Banyak hal dan kepentingan yang perlu dipertimbangkan oleh bangsa ini.. jd gk bisa gegabah dalam mengambil keputusan... mesti pake strategi... Postingannya TOP Abis.. friend... thank's...

Daniel DPK said...

malaysia boleh-boleh aja mengklaim sepihak budaya dan wilayah indonesia..tapi pastinya akan ada 240 juta orang yg siap meng-GANYANG- malaysia...


ahmad taufik said...

tentang klo lipa mau loginnya kan ada di email konfirmasinya berisi username dan passwordnya

Unknown said...

emang susah sob urusan ama orang bego....
jalan satu satunya pemerintah mesti ngambil sikap...putusin aja hub diplomatik..dan hajaaar...yang telah menghina harga diri kita tanpa terkecuali

Keng eNeS said...

Malaysia emang udah keterlaluan.
Memang benar kata bung Karno dulu, GANYANG MALAYSIA!!!

Anonymous said...

hi friend plz add me & drop a mesg i will add u

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